Safety Plan
What is a Safety Plan?
If you are in a situation of domestic violence, it may be helpful to create your own safety plan. Safety Plans enable you to plan ahead and may help you keep a clear mind when violence arises. Its a way to plan on ways to enhance your personal safety in case you decide to leave a violent situation. Please remember that domestic violence always involves a certain degree of danger and it is important to remain aware of that danger.
Use the following safety planning worksheet to create a plan that works for you. If you need assistance call the Wesley Shelter at (252)291-2344

Safety Planning Worksheet
I can keep a bag ready and put it _____________ so I can leave quickly.
I can tell ___________ about the violence and have them call the police when violence erupts.
I will use this word code ____________ for my children, friends, or family to call for help.
If I leave my phone I can go: ___________, ___________, ____________, or _____________.
I will leave money and an extra set of keys with ____________.
I will open a savings account by (date)___________ to increase my independence.
The domestic violence crisis line is _(____)____-_______
I will check with ________ and ________ to know who will let me stay with them or who will lend me money.
I can leave extra clothes with ____________.
I will review my safety plan every _________ (days/weeks/months) in order to plan the safest route.
I will review the plan with _________ (a friend, counselor, or advocate)
I will teach my children to make collect calls to me and to ___________ if my partner tried to take them.
I will tell people who are for my children who has permission to pick up my children. My partner is NOT allowed to. Inform the following people
Sunday School_________________________________
I can tell the following people that my partner no longer lives with me and that they should call the police if he nears my residence. Neighbor________________________________________
Church Leader ___________________________________
Prepare the following documents to bring with you. (If possible, make copies of them and leave them with friends or family you can trust.)
• Identification
• Birth certificates for me and my children
• Social Security cards
• School and medical records
• Driver’s license and registration
• Welfare identification
• Passport(s), Green Card(s), work permits
• Divorce papers
• Lease/rental agreement, house deed
• Mortgage payment book, current unpaid bills
• Insurance papers
Additional items you may want to bring with you:
• Address book
• Pictures, jewelry, items of sentimental value
• Children’s favorite toys and/or blankets
• Money, bankbooks, credit cards
• Keys – house/car/office
• Medications
• Change of clothes
What do I do next ?
Wesley Shelter is dedicated to providing the answers and support you need. Call our main crisis line at 252-291-2344 for anonymous help or advice.